Thursday, December 13, 2012

My Brand of Art

Without art, the world would be an extremely dull and lifeless place, and life itself wouldn’t be as enjoyable. Think about it. Art is everywhere from the paintings hanging in museums to the spaghetti we make for dinner. It’s one of the only things in life that doesn’t have to always follow guidelines or rules. It allows for creativity and passion to be expressed freely. For many people, art allows them to do what they love, and simply enjoy life. 
Art plays a huge role in my own life. I don’t paint or sculpt, I play and create music. I recently performed in my first concert for the orchestra at Penn State. This was a great experience all around, but my favorite part was performing in the Eisenhower auditorium. The hall had two balconies and was larger than any auditorium I have ever performed in. When people think of art, many only think of the basics like painting, sculpting, etc., but for everyone that’s a part of the orchestra, including myself, the music we create is art. The sound bounces off the walls of the stage and throughout the auditorium in such harmony and power, mesmerizing the audience and even me at times. How can we not call this art? 
I believe that music is one of the most powerful art forms that we have. Yes the only thing you physically see is a bunch of people playing instruments being directed by someone waving a baton. However, the synchronized movements of the bows of the string section, the way everyone seems to sway to the music, following the different tempos, all of this can be art in itself. Going beyond the physical sight of the performance, each written piece of music tells a story. Just as a movie has different scenes and actions that take place, so does music. The slow, soothing part of the piece can demonstrate a romantic part in the story, but just as quickly as this begins, a shift in tempo and key occurs and there’s a sense of frantic terror that’s created. 
As musicians, it’s easy for us to picture what is happening during each section of the piece. For me, all I have to do is close my eyes, listen, and I can paint a picture in my mind about what is happening in the music. Music influences and enhances mood and has inspired millions, and has definitely has inspired me.
Unfortunately many school districts nation wide have chosen to cut not only the music programs, but also many other art related classes. This has effected my family personally. My mom is an elementary music teacher who has lost her room at the school she taught at. She now has to travel to six different schools throughout the school district, teaching new kids every few weeks. This is not only terrible for her, but for the kids as well. Music and other art related classes are an important part of the curriculum especially for young children. Art classes utilize a different part of the brain than any other type of class and help children grow and become well rounded. These classes need to remain in schools. Either way, music is and will forever be an important art form and part of society.

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