Thursday, September 6, 2012

Blog Analysis

Template: Being a student creating a blog mainly for other students and/or my professor to view, I found it easy to pick what layout I liked. I simply thought what would be easy to view and read from a students perspective. I chose a basic setup with posts on one side, and any additional information on the other. This seemed to be easiest to read in my opinion. I also chose the baseball themed background to give a better sense of who I am.

Title: I wanted to create a clever title that not only engaged the reader, but also had some relevance to the course and literature in general. If you didn't realize it, To Argue or Not To Argue is a knock off of the famous quote "to be or not to be" from William Shakespeare's Hamlet. Because the course textbook is named everything's an argument, it felt appropriate to question whether we should make an argument out of everything, hence my title. However questioning that is an argument in itself... I'm confused.

Color: This was simple. The background I chose of a baseball laying in a field of green grass made me choose green to have as the background color of my title. The title is white simply because it was easiest to read on a green palate.

Font: I'm not really picky when it comes to fonts. If i can read it, most of the time I like it. The only exception to this is the font of my title. I have terrible handwriting, I'll admit it. So when choosing my title, like many of the other segments of my blog, I wanted to put a little bit of myself into it. Of the fonts I saw, I thought this best portrayed a crude penmanship similar to mine.

Pages: I do not have any separate tabs for different information. I like the fact that all of my blogs entries will go in chronological order from the beginning of the school year. This gives me a sense of organization, how my blogs have improved over time, and somewhat of a timeline of my first college semester. Also, I have my "about me" section posted on the side next to where my blog entries will be found, and I feel that this will be the only supplementary info other than blog entries that will be on my blog.

About me: I decided to give a brief overview of some of the things I like to do and who I perceive myself to be. I included information about a few things I currently do or am a part of at PSU, to help give the reader a better image of myself.

My Blog: I think that my blog does reflect who I am decently well, however there is a lot more to me than I can fit in a simple blog. I thought that creating this blog was relatively easy and somewhat fun. I also think that throughout the course the whole 'blog' concept will become a little more clear and I will understand why it is such a big fad!


  1. Hi Eddie--

    Yes, I got the title reference. ;) And I'm glad you thought so carefully about your audience and the rhetorical situation when making your title. (watch capitalization in the post. I see a lowercase "i" when you mean the personal pronoun.)


  2. One thing that really stuck out to me about your blog, Eddie, was the clever title. When I began reading it, my voice automatically went into that voice corresponding to the "to be, or not to be," saying. Really funny. (: & I like your honesty, as well. You made it clear that making this blog wasn't exactly something you would do instead of going to a concert. Well played!
